Activist network of workers, students, retired and claimants in and around Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The network was launched out of the bottom up protests of the students, which others were keen to support and now campaigns against cuts.

We meet every fortnight at organise specifically to oppose cuts to services, jobs and communities.

We aim to coordinate with other local campaigns including campaigns to save Libraries; Youth services; Play services; Pools & Leisure centres; City Hall; Sure Start services etc.

Monday, 25 July 2011

This weeks events and info

Hi all ACN folks..
In this weeks mailout:
1. This weeks meeting - the Hardest Hit
2. Tax Havens Protest & meeting
3. The blog
4. Facebook group
5. Can you help

1. This weeks meeting - the Hardest Hit  Wed 27 July - 5.30pm
Video of Hardest Hit March (biggest march of disabled people in history against cuts to welfare - thanks to Reel NEws) plus discussion on local campaigning with local groups invited Alisdair and others from WRAG and Stuart Bracking will introduce some discussion
All welcome, tyneside Irish centre, gallowgate, 2nd floor (take lift to second floor)
2.  Last weeks meeting came up with the idea of a protest against Tax Havens to follow on from the meeting in the City Library (see details below).  So the plan is for a big roaming protest targeting stores who use tax havens, DRESSED UP AS PIRATES!
So the sun will be shining and if you are not on your hols then join us on Sunny Northumberland Street (Thurs 18 August, from 4pm) more details  to follow including FB group etc...  our August meeting (10 Aug - 5.30, Irish Centre) will be given over to an open planning meeting for all groups who want to be involved.... Why are parents against tax havens (because we arrrrrrggggh!)
Thurs 18 August  - Pirates against Tax Havens Protest, 4pm, Northumberland Street, watch this space

Also Tues 16 August - 5.30pm Tax Havens in 2011 - hottest desitinations in today's global economy
Come and hear Nicholas Shaxston (author 'Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who stole the World') explains the role of the tax haven.  Newcastle City Library (room 1, level 2, next to cafe)
This is our blog. Don't forget to visit it, post comments on articles, share articles on facebook.
If you want to post stuff to the blog, email this list and we will put it up there.
If you want to help with artilces for the blog, and updating it, come to Wednesdays meeting and volunteer or email us.
4. Facebook group
Join our fb group: or search anticutsnetwork
5. FInally ACN needs YOU!
We know that we can't all make meetings in Newcastle on a Wednesday night, which is fine. But perhaps you can do other stuff:
a. Help with blog and fb group
b. Do some research on cuts
c. Share our events with friends on facebook and help us build bigger campaigns
d. Do press releases
e. Design leaflets, posters, tshirts etc
f.  Help with fundraising (benefit gigs, socials, etc.)
g. Make links with Trade Union branches, community groups
EMAIL back to us at this email address with any information on your skills?

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