Activist network of workers, students, retired and claimants in and around Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The network was launched out of the bottom up protests of the students, which others were keen to support and now campaigns against cuts.

We meet every fortnight at organise specifically to oppose cuts to services, jobs and communities.

We aim to coordinate with other local campaigns including campaigns to save Libraries; Youth services; Play services; Pools & Leisure centres; City Hall; Sure Start services etc.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Next meeting - Wed 16 March -5.30pm Tyneside Irish Centre, Gallowgate

Next meeting Wed 16 March. 5.30pm Tyneside Irish Centre
Mainly to coordinate transport to 26 March Demo

Minutes of last meeting:

Anti Cuts Network
Minutes 9 March 2011

1. Lobby - 2 March 2011
2. Coaches - 26 MArch
3. Role of network
4. Organisation - web/ email etc.
5. Future action / events

Attendance (16 people in attendance, a number of apologies given)

1. Lobby
80 - 100 people, council locked us out
Got good newspaper coverage (whole page in Chroncile) and Gerry got to debate Leader of Council on BBC Newcastle the next day.
We needed to publicise more, leaflets, door knock.
Unions didnt organise any protest / action around the budget
Discussion about other tactics for future protests

2. Coaches / Train
COR / Gateshead PSA - £25 waged / £10 unwaged
Unison / UCU and other unions have train tickets, just for own union members
UCU coach (probably just for UCU members)
Newcastle Uni SU coach - possibly open?
UCU@Newc College?
Sunderland against the cuts
RtW coach

False economy website has 3 listed
Anyone can add to this website. Agreed someone will also set up a list of this information on Facebook

2a. Discussion about our own coach to go down Friday not Saturday
£1350 cheapest quote for 53 seater (£26 each if fully booked)
Other options:
- go on Saturday buses, but stay down and come back on Cheap buses on Sunday instead of same day (Mega bus approx £11-£13)
- Gerry can arrange crashpad accomodation for people who need it
- Other info Dave Otoole offering to sponsor 3 students to attend
- General discusion about pro and cons of where the demo will start and coaches drop off
- Unite offered some support with costs
- TUC website for march has listed 400 coach drop off points in the centre of London, so people need to investigate these options with all local coaches

Dave OToole to check UCU coach and where it will drop off
Lizzy - COR coach and where will drop off
Lizzy - to ask COR about getting UNite Support for our coach
Mae - Newcastle Uni coach and drop off points
ACN to send rep to next COR meeting to discuss further (6.30/7pm next Wed)
SAm to coordinate number for interest in coach

Agree to meet again next Wed 16 March - 5.30 (poss Irish Centre to sort transport esp.)

Rowan/ Ed to coordinate email list

3. Role of Network / Organisation

Proposed that we were set up as a "network" that would be bottom up / activist network where other groups could come to, to coordinate action together.
Both calling own actions and supporting other actions and helping to coordinate better and get support for other campaigns (i.e. Occupation, Newc College, Chirton House etc.)
- agreed
Suggested we meet fortnightly - agreed
Suggested we should structure meetings around specific campaigns - agreed
Agreed to support call for day of action against attacks on benefit
Agreed to plan for weekedn event, workshops, discussions, training (May / June) and ask other groups to support this
Agreed to support the NE School Students Union / Network

Practical stuff:
FB group set up Anti Cuts Network
Blog -
Email group - Rowan / Ed coordinating
Gabe setting up better website
Frankie to set up action group on FB for just coordinating actions and activity

Next THurs 17 Matrch - Chirton HOuse Campaign meeting: 5.30, Byker Community Centre, Longheadlam st Byker
Leaflets and stall meet saturday 12noon Byker Metro
Thurs 24 March - ESOL demon - 4pm @ Newc College
Thurs 17 March - VC Expenses Demon - 1pm, KIngsgate, called by NFEN

Other announcements:
Claimants Union meeting  next Fri 5pm
Action on 4th April against benefit cuts

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