Activist network of workers, students, retired and claimants in and around Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The network was launched out of the bottom up protests of the students, which others were keen to support and now campaigns against cuts.

We meet every fortnight at organise specifically to oppose cuts to services, jobs and communities.

We aim to coordinate with other local campaigns including campaigns to save Libraries; Youth services; Play services; Pools & Leisure centres; City Hall; Sure Start services etc.

Monday 20 June 2011

Anti Cuts Gathering - Get involved!

Hi all.

Agenda is here for 25 June. We have volunteers for food and a couple of others for the day.
But we would like a few volunteers for desk and also volunteers to help sessions run to time (and scribe action points from workshops on flip chart)

Finally if you want a stall its £5... let us know

Agenda and details for Gathering - Sat 25 June - Star & Shadow Cinema

10 am             Registration
10.30 - 11.30    Workshops A (see list below)
11.30 - 12.30     Workshops B (see list below)
12.30 - 1.15        Lunch (cooked and made by our able volunteers and thanks to Unite the Union for financial support)
 1.15 - 2.45        Forum: Fighting the Cuts - what role for Unions and Strikes (local activists, trade unionists and 30th June strikers)
 2.45 - 3    .00        Break
 3.00 - 4.00        Where next for Anti Cuts movement (discussion on principles, strategy and concrete action)
 4.00 - 5.00        Workshop C (see list below)

Workshops A:
1. Police Harrasment and Defence Campaigns / Right to Resist (HSBC 3 Defence Campaign & Right to Resist)
2. Newcastle College campaign to save jobs and education (Vanessa Maughan UCU and Stacy SOS)
3. Community Campaigning - Vicki Gilbert and Paul Baker (Left Unity, Keep Metro Public and other campaigns)
4. Consensus decision making / listenings skills (to be confirmed!)

Workshops B:
1. Education Forum: Including Bob and Daniel (NCAFC) and local NFEN, SOS, and student protestors)
2. Benefits and Disability campaigning (Helen - Claimants Union, Stuart Bracking and Alisdair Cameron)
3. Keep Our NHS public (Dr Helen Groom - tbc / Pete Campbell from KONHSP)
4. How to organise a strike (North East Shops Stewards Network to be confirmed)

Workshops A and B can come up with ideas or suggestions for the 3pm - 'Where next' session, but we don't what that session to be taken up with just report backs, but proposals or points that we all need to discuss

Workshop C:
1. Self Defence - Trev Bark
2. Use of social media (Pete / Gabe / NFEN)
3. Banner making / Placard making for 30th June strike day

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